I'm writing a systematic review, can EndNote help me deduplicate my references?

Yes! We believe that EndNote is the best reference manager to deduplicate your references with. To do so, we recommend using the Bramer method. This method will make sure you deduplicate your library with the least manual checking, but with the best result. The method needs a little time to set up and getting used to. If you have further questions, contact us at refman@umcg.nl.


Yes! We believe that EndNote is the best reference manager to deduplicate your references with. To do so, we recommend using the Bramer method. This method will make sure you deduplicate your library with the least manual checking, but with the best result. The method needs a little time to set up and getting used to. If you have further questions, contact us at refman@umcg.nl.


  • Last Updated Feb 26, 2021
  • Views 92
  • Answered By Robin Ottjes

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