Can EndNote help me find the full-text of publications?
Yes. To get the best results it is recommended to do this on either an UMCG computer or on the virtual workspace. Select the publications you want the full-text for, right click and select "Find Full Text". EndNote will then try to find and download the full-text. A couple of things can happen: EndNote finds the pdf and adds it to the reference, EndNote finds the pdf but can't download it, so it provides an URL. Or EndNote can't find the pdf.
Yes. To get the best results it is recommended to do this on either an UMCG computer or on the virtual workspace. Select the publications you want the full-text for, right click and select "Find Full Text". EndNote will then try to find and download the full-text. A couple of things can happen: EndNote finds the pdf and adds it to the reference, EndNote finds the pdf but can't download it, so it provides an URL. Or EndNote can't find the pdf.