Can I store my library on OneDrive, iCloud or any other cloud-syncing folders?

No, this is not recommended!  Storing EndNote libraries in cloud-syncing folders such as OneDrive, Box, iCloud, and others, or keeping read-write EndNote libraries on network drives or flash drives, will lead to an increased risk of library corruption. However, within the UMCG you might not have a choice since the 'migration to OneDrive'.  You can still use EndNote, must we highly recommend using the EndNote synchronisation to make sure you never lose your data. This synchronisation can be set up via "Sync configuration" in EndNote.


No, this is not recommended!  Storing EndNote libraries in cloud-syncing folders such as OneDrive, Box, iCloud, and others, or keeping read-write EndNote libraries on network drives or flash drives, will lead to an increased risk of library corruption. However, within the UMCG you might not have a choice since the 'migration to OneDrive'.  You can still use EndNote, must we highly recommend using the EndNote synchronisation to make sure you never lose your data. This synchronisation can be set up via "Sync configuration" in EndNote.


  • Last Updated Nov 29, 2023
  • Views 214
  • Answered By Robin Ottjes

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