I get an error message when logging in, can you help me?

It looks like Pure offers two ways of logging in (University P-number and UMCG email), but this is not the case. For everybody only one of the 'routes' work. If you pick the 'wrong' one, then you get a message: "account does not exist".  Check the list on the UMCG intranet: If your name is on that list use the "UMCG" option when logging in. Otherwise choose the University.

If you clicked the University option, but have to use the UMCG route, then you first need to completely close your browser and try it again. Only when a new browser session is started will you get the choice between University of Groningen/UMCG again.

If you still have trouble logging in, or maybe you don't haven an account yet,  contact us at pure@umcg.nl


It looks like Pure offers two ways of logging in (University P-number and UMCG email), but this is not the case. For everybody only one of the 'routes' work. If you pick the 'wrong' one, then you get a message: "account does not exist".  Check the list on the UMCG intranet: If your name is on that list use the "UMCG" option when logging in. Otherwise choose the University.

If you clicked the University option, but have to use the UMCG route, then you first need to completely close your browser and try it again. Only when a new browser session is started will you get the choice between University of Groningen/UMCG again.

If you still have trouble logging in, or maybe you don't haven an account yet,  contact us at pure@umcg.nl


  • Last Updated Jan 10, 2023
  • Views 134
  • Answered By Robin Ottjes

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